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Tobacco Products Directive – New European legislation passed this week that will affect the Electronic Cigarette industry

Tobacco Products Directive – New European legislation passed this week that will affect the Electronic Cigarette industry

The European Parliament this week voted on the draft Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) and passed it as proposed. This would come into effect in 2016 and these are some of the implications for e cigarette users:

  • E liquids will be sold in bottles no larger than 10mls
  • Tanks will not be allowed to exceed 2mls in capacity
  • E liquid will not be allowed to have higher nicotine concentration than 2%
  • Bans on electronic cigarette advertising and promotion

Now the vote has been passed by the EU Parliament, the next stage of the TPD is for it to be put in front of the Council of EU Ministers and if it is ratified by them it becomes law.

Then, the next step is for member states to amend local laws to align with the new Directive. The UK Government will have to analyse the Directive in detail and amend UK law so that it complies. We look forward to learning more details about this implementation as it has a significant impact on our business and our customers.

As a company that has always championed quality and complied with all industry standards, Liberty-Flights supports appropriate regulation of the electronic cigarette industry to ensure that consumers are guaranteed maximum levels of quality and safety. However, electronic cigarettes are NOT a tobacco product and as such we think that it is inappropriate for it to have been included in the Tobacco Products Directive, with the end result having negative implications for smokers looking to e cigarettes as a viable alternative to tobacco use.

Liberty-Flights will continue to work in partnership with ECITA to present the case of the vaping community to those in power. We also support the European Free Vaping Initiative (EFVI), which is our opportunity to challenge this damaging legislation. This is your opportunity to help and make a difference! It is a petition that, if enough of us sign up, will force the EU to re-visit the above ruling. Please click the link below, have a read and sign up to do your bit to help our cause:

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